Friday, August 31, 2012

Pros and Cons to Reliance & Reputation

We are a society that relys on technology so much and indeed it fosters major conveniences, creativity and global communications.  At a push of one button, you have access to the world and the world, if you allow it, now has access to you via facebook, twitter, linked in, blogs, websites, videos, etc.    

This can be good or bad depending on your awareness, education and purpose in using these mediums.  Today the youth are indeed plugged in. What young adult does not have an iphone? Even elementary children are arriving with iphones!  Good?  Yes. This can be a wise move considering the times we live it with mad massacres and various natural catastrophes.  I would want my child to be able to make an important call should ever such events occur.  To put blind folds on and think it could 'never' happen with my child is not wise.  

The flip side - Too much reliance is not good.  The child can easily call mom for anything just to get out of school and therefore use it for manipulation purposes.  The child could make other calls that may not be appropriate during class time. 

It is a given many youth post, print, advertise 'whatever' they desire.  The other day as I was walking on the sidewalk, I saw a small group of young teenagers gathered.  While one was posing in a provocative manner showing her belly and a little some, another was recording her.  I thought, "Now, I wonder....what were those girls planning on doing with that video."  School project? Maybe.  In my opinion, when a group of girls are involved in these type of activities such as these, they have a motive and that motive is to share it.   Do they care who sees it?  Maybe yes and maybe no.  It depends and this can be a whole other topic.  In this regard, Technology is the medium in which a person's 'Reputation' can be tarnished. 
The flip side - The person who has used technology to build up or to reveal a good reputation indeed is a good thing.  It can lead to a good network base for employment opportunities or team collaborations, business ventures, business partnerships and accessibility to various resources.  All Good.  
Here is where wisdom calls out and says, 'Be careful of what you do and say and everything that is published on the internet'.  Education becomes a vital part in educating young adults of the power of the internet and understanding that it can indeed 'make' you or 'break' you.  
What are your thoughts?


  1. I really do agree that we all relly on technology too much and we sometimes don't know that the information we put out or pictures we want people to see are pictures that can ruin a career opportunity. Specially now a days that employees and applications ask for your facebook account information. However, I also agree that it can be a good thing if you use it to create a great profile for professional reasons.
    -Delia Baltazar

  2. Reliance can work out great for you in means of organization but it can also be bad because if you rely on technology to do EVERYTHING in your life. What happens when theres a massive power out like just recenlty in New York? What do you do?? You have to be prepared for everything. So i think it is also good to be old fasshioned sometimes and write things down as well. Hava a plan B just in case. Reputation can also be good in networking but it can hurt your reputation by getting too personal in things like face book or twitter. You just have to becareful with what you write down or share with the world

  3. Now a days people do relay more on technology. I can included myself. I remember when I was a young teen, having to memories all my friends phone numbers. Now I relay on my cell phone because I don't know even one number on contacts.

  4. Yes, technology is my reliance for certain things, as well, as others. I can say that I rely on technology to guide me through my own streets. Which is pretty embarrassing because I have lived in Santa Ana my whole life. I am 21 years old and I rely on my maps app to take me where I need to go. Another example, that shows that I rely on to my phone too much, is not remembering important people's phone numbers. Being incapable of reaching someone because I rely on my phone to remember them for me. It's always good to have an actual notebook of your contacts with you because you never know what can happen to your phone. Either, it gets lost or stolen and you then feel like you lost a part of you...

  5. Technology is ever changing. There will always be ways for employers to view WHAT their hired, and PAID employees are doing with their free-time. Some fun is alright I mean, we all have fun in our life and we need to unwind. HOWEVER I notice a lot of stupidity on Facebook, and other social sites that your BOSS WILL have access to. So if your friend has taken a picture of you throwing up into a toilet and posted it on your Facebook, your boss is going to see that. The next day you might not have a job anymore, and people complain about it, or call they're boss a jerk. WHEN they are the ones who caused it themselves. This day and age astounds me with the stupidity and excuses people make to blame it on other people when in fact it is their fault. Remember technology will keep evolving, someday you might not be able to get away with that all, your reputation will follow you FOREVER,

  6. I agree with this because I noticed Facebook is getting really bad and disturbing. In the beginning i never though it would make it to this extremely bizarre. I don't want to go into detail. If I was a parent i wouldn't feel safe if my kids would go on Facebook because it is not safe. Anyone can get to you by Social networks and find even where you live!

  7. I totally agree with this. I am guilty of relying on technology too much as well. Also having a good reputation is very important because if someone posts up a video behaving badly with there friends on the internet it is open for anyone to view including employers. That's something we all have to be careful of because once its out there its out there forever.

  8. When I was a little girl, the most of technology I've ever seen was the TV. I watched it every day and probably would have 'rotted' my brain if I wasn't so use to playing outside or with my friends. But soon as I got a hold of my first laptop, I was hooked. But it wasn't bad until my friends stopped coming over. So the computer (as well as a Gameboy and PlayStation) was all I had aside from a little sister who I couldn't stand at the time.

    So, yes, their are bad things with technology but if we limit ourselves usage of it and studied or learn something new every day; I think the current generation would be less reckless. Personally, I wouldn't give my child a iPhone 5 million or whatever. Not until they prove that they can be responsible and even then they would have to be at least 15 or so.

  9. So many people rely on technology to do stuff for them. Nevertheless, if it were to shut down on us, we would be completely lost and helpless. Technology should be a secondary option for unnecessary usage. Your reputation describes you as a person. What goes into the internet is now part of every social network out there. Be careful how you act and represent yourself to others.

  10. I, myself, have a reliance on technology that sometimes is unnecessary. I mean i don't need an actual book anymore. The Internet has EVERYTHING we want to know about. My mother even relies on technology a lot more now than she ever had. Especially her phone. She does have a heart attack if her phone isn't with her at all times. Its a little funny how she can't step out of her room to go to the restroom without it. A lot of people are like that now and it makes me ask myself, "What has this world come to?"

  11. I think its sad what teenagers go through just for attention in these days. When I was at that age I was not doing all of that cell phones were not even invented yet. Its scaring to kinow girls do this and see it my self they don't know that if those videos go into the wrong hands what can happen to them. But all we can do is just pray for the youth.

  12. "At a push of one button, you have access to the world and the world, if you allow it, now has access to you via facebook, twitter, linked in, blogs, websites, videos, etc." couldn't have said it any better. This type of information allows for great power. Although always remember the quote from Spiderman "With great power, comes great responsibility."

  13. I'm that type of person as well. I don't have a single phone number memorized in my head. i need to have my phone with me at all times. its crazy how, all the new generation is functioning that way. Before i remember my mother new all our families numbers my memory including birthdays and address's now i depend on my phone for all that info. I wonder if technology is going to make our brains be disabled in the future because of how much we relay on it? That's something to think about.

  14. I really like how this blog was created. It showed the different point of views on the perspective of technology and how it can "make" or "break" you. I agree that it is pretty much the person's intention on how they use technology that will either hurt them or help them. Technology is always on a constant move and if you don't learn how to use it the right way and adapt to it, you will end up jeopardizing your career and everything you worked hard for. Technology should be a useful resource not a liability, if you play by the rules and know what your posting and conveying to the audience than you'll have no problem in this area.

  15. I totally agree.Here is an example. Just yesterday, I forgot my cell phone at home and didn't realize it until I was at work. I couldn't go back for it, so I knew I was going to be without it ALL day. I work all day and school in the evening. All day long I had this eerie feeling I was missing something. I didn't have access to anything I needed like phone numbers, e-mail, reminders or notes I may have saved on my phone. I didn't even know what time it was. I realized how dependent I am on my phone. I don't know what was worse, the fact that I didn't have my phone, or exactly how lost I was without it. Also it is very easy to have your reputation ruined over a moment of stupidity, without even realizing it. Especially for the youth of today. Nowadays children aren't being raised the way we were. I feel they are so sheltered in every way that most aren't even conscious of the repercussions that they're actions will have. I also feel that the technology can be great for the youth It's all a matter of how they are being taught to use them. Show your children the value of RESPONSIBILITY and just plain COMMON SENSE, instead of just giving them whatever the latest trend is to get them off your back, then maybe, just maybe we won't have to worry about if it is being abused or not.

  16. It always amazes me when I think about how dependent we are on technology. I myself cannot remember any phone numbers outside of my families. My phone does it all for me. I have lost my phone a couple of times and it is the worst feeling. Not only do I have to by a new phone, but all of the information that was stored is just completely gone. Even though I know I should, I never really write down any of that information down and then I am completely lost without it. As technology continues to grow, will it really help in the long run if this kind of dependency continues?
