Sunday, September 30, 2012

IPhones Paralyze Face to Face Socialization

Drawbacks of IPhones -
IPhones has paralyzed the 'social' face to face interaction with people. At a cafe, I observed a small group of young women having a brief meeting then all of a sudden there was silence.  They were all on their respective iphones, texting, checking email tweeting or whatever else. Here was a group of people who briefly got together to only turn around to use their iphones to do whatever else other than talk to one another.  In my view this is inconsiderate., but Another may say, ‘That’s technology today and it’s OK.  This is the generation we live in. However, this concept should not be ignored.  Face to Face interaction is indeed very powerful and important.  The power of technology contributes to the paralysis of the face to face interaction or better known as Social Skills.  

Where does one draw the line?  What experiences have you’ve had with this?


  1. I completely agree 110%! I think that iPhones, along with smart phones and other electronic devices have made conversations and relationships very impersonal. I have experienced having conversations with people who are looking at something on their phone while I am speaking to them. Some have even interrupted me to tell/show me something that is on their rude! This has happened numerous times, it's not something that is rare these days. I highly appreciate one's attention as well as eye contact when I am sharing something with them. There is no doubt that technology has handicapped many of people's abilities of face to face interaction. I guess the line drawing is left to one's tolerance of this socially paralyzing phenomenon.

  2. I see this almost everyday, as technology and phones advance i feel this problem will only get worse. I have a few freinds who are more guilty of this more than others. There has been a few times where i was talking to someone who was texting and i hit the phone out of their hand and said, are you even listening to me? How we socialize with one each other is changing. Without face to face interaction you really can't grasp entirely how the person is feeling. Texting while someone is talking to you is considered socially acceptable nowadays. Where i draw then line is when someone has to ask, what did you just say? Because they did'nt hear you because there focus was on a text message.

  3. Totally agree. I see this everyday and not only with friends but also with family. When we have family gatherings, most of my relatives are always on their phone and don't even acknowledge others. And I think that's where I draw the line because we should always listen to everyone that's talking to us. I mean when it's a friend ok but your own family members, I think thats just disrespectful.

    1. I agree Brenda, my mother in law makes it a point to say NO PHONES aloud at the dinner table.

  4. I agree this used to happen to me all the time I would be talking to my sister and she'd be looking down at her phone where I drew the line was when I would stop talking until she would realized I had stopped talking and would look at me like what just happen I think it's so rude and people need to put their phones away when they are in company.

  5. I am actually very guilty of this. I guess it’s just a comfort zone I go to once there is awkward silence but it is a practice I am willing to improve on since I do know is bad.

  6. I am definitley guilty of this and now that I read it in text I am more aware of it. Its Kind of sad actually. People are choosing to text instead of having a one on one conversation with someone. It can even lead to mis understandings because you cannot express yourself correctly through a text. Your missing the tones of voice you can have. Not only that but your not building on that social part that is critically important in everyday life. Its good to interact with people face to face rather than just through a text.

  7. I plead gilty of this. I have also experienced it with my boyfriend I am having a serious talk with him and he just gets his cellphone and starts going through it. I feel that he is not paying attention to me and it is also rude of him. We have to be very carefuk becuase it is tempting and we all have done it or experienced it.

  8. So true! I believe that nearly all people including myself probably spend most of the time in front of a screen. I personally experience that feeling of silence. At times when I go out with my friends we are all taking enjoying the conversation, but sometimes it takes one vibration from a cell phone. That's when everyone starts loging facebook or reaplying backe to messages. Now a day's people have replaces personal face to face sociolizing with all kind of electronic device.

  9. I agree that a face to face conversation is a very important way to communicate with people. There is nothing better than having that face to face conversation. Some times its good to call someone or text them if the conversation is going to be short. This is only the beginning of technology it is only going to advance as time passes by, so if this is looking bad now I can only imagine all the things that will come out a few years from now.

  10. I agree with you jackie. I am very guilty when it comes to this the only difference is that i do not own an iphone. I can be with a whole group of people and not even notice what we are talking about because I am only paying attention to my text messages. I now realise that I should focus on the people around me instead of texting other people having small talk

  11. 100% FACT! I have seen this happen numerous times, it can happen anywhere in your day to day life. A prime example is one of my best friends, HE CANNOT multitask. Whenever he gets a text from ANYONE he has to focus on his phone, if you need something from him and he is texting it goes in one ear and out the other. This applies to everyone in the world, I say this because this distraction can hurt your, relationship, education (people TEXTING while the professor is speaking.), It can threaten your job etc.

  12. So guilty!
    Now that my bothers are older we all own a phone, we will go out to eat be on our phones while we wait for the food to be ready. That is really bad because now my daughter as well does the same thing. I believe that if we are willing to put the effort to meet up with friends or family that at least we should put away our phone and have a face to face conversation with them and leave the phone to when we are alone at home.

  13. By experience i have done this my self when i am with friends or family. yes is wrong because technology is just going to make our verbal skills and listening skills worst. When I talk to someone and they pay attention to their phone than me, it makes me feel ignore.

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  15. This is especially true for the younger generation! Rather than running around, screaming and playing, kids are stuck on an Android or Apple device playing with "Apps" that feature cheap and convenient games. Some parents even encourage this type of interaction to better "control" their children. This, if done excessively, can and will impair children's social skills. However, some of these games can be educational so there can be a benefit to it! Ultimately I believe that, with moderation, this new technology improvement can benefit us but it can definitely "paralyze" the social face to face interaction as well...

  16. 100% true Jackie. I lost communication with others because today technology is so advanced.In most restaurants that you go to, you see half of the people using their cell phones and its dead silent in various groups. Today I believe communication face to face is more important than communicating with them through technology.

  17. I comepletely agree with you. Most of us are to attatched to our phones and were eagar to constantly be checking our phones when were not supposed to. Ive experrience it myself. It is very important to know when is the right time and right place to have your phones out, especially if your having a face to face conversation.

  18. This is a fact that I hate. My mom is guilty of this we can be out eating an she will be on her phone the entire time. It's like I'm basically talking to myself. Sadly a lot of people are guilty of this as am I at times when I'm bored at the dinner table I will pull out my cell phone. It's a very bad habit that no one should have , face to face conversations are much better.

  19. I feel like I do this all day long. I tell a friend through text i will call you later and I end up messaging her instead. Most of my friends keep in touch with me through Facebook then actual conversation on our cell phones. I personally don't think its going to change or get better, but now what I do is I don't respond to Facebook anymore. I call them and the only way they can get a hold of me is actually calling or coming over.I like my idea of trying to change this with friends and family.

  20. This is so true, and I feel that the younger generation has really adapted to this routine because they have become very depended on technology to help them with not only communicating with people, but with homework and learning things. Everything now is most likely on the internet whether it's a home maid receipt or how to solve a math equation. Because the younger generation has become so reliable on technology, this became the main source for them to communicate with others. They feel more comfortable communicating on-line than one-on-one because they aren't put on the spot to answer a question as if they are expected to on a one-on-one conversation.

  21. Agreed! This young generation of ours is very dependent on technology. I personally tell myself here and there, "where's my phone", having a mini heart-attack if its not at my hip. This "technology need" we have, I feel, can be both good or bad. It's good we are getting use to the new technology and moving along with it because I understand that we are required to have this knowledge of it at work, but it's bad that it's taking up the younger generations' life. What I mean by that is I see 5 year old kids with Iphones and Galaxy S3, IPads, etc. It's as if they have no idea of what playing outside is. The type of games we use to have as kids(90's and older), hide and seek, freeze tag, etc, it doesn't exist anymore. So my question is, Will my children, if I decide to have them, ever experience what I did when I was their age?

  22. I believe that technology now a days is advancing super fast. I notice others including myself paying more attention to there phones, gadgets, iPods, and social medias. I think its great but on the other hand I think there should be balance between face to face interactions and social media and technology. My son lately had been playing on my phone for hours and I finally gave him 15 min rule for playing on my phone apps. I don't think its very healthy for us humans to be stuck on technology all day long. That to me is a definite no.

  23. I completely agree with you, Jackie. In today’s generation technology has become a vital part of our everyday lives. This quickly growing trend and dependency on technology will only continue to grow as technology advances. One thing to always have in mind is moderation. Technology is a great asset and we should definitely take advantage of technologies’ endless benefits, but in moderation. Some of the negative effects of technology I have experienced involve my friends and family. Whether it has been during a family meeting or a friendly get together many times I have felt neglected or taken for granted because other people have been distracted by their phones or ipads. Sadly, I am also guilty of not providing my full attention to those I care about because I am distracted by my computer, phone, ipod, etc. This is completely distorting our social skills. I find myself wondering what happen to eye contact, remember how reassuring that is? Think about it, would you rather have your best friend email/message/text you or would you rather see that person where she/he can comfort you, hug you, smack you? What is more powerful their presence or a simple email/message/text?

  24. Your definitively right! I was in a similar situation at PF CHANG'S our boss took me and a co-worker out to lunch and their was a family of about 15 people. Everyone including the kids of maybe 10-13 years old were all on their phones, i pads, and game boys. Its amazing because a birthday is a very happy interactive event in anyone life and the whole table was more interested in their technology as opposed to the birthday BOY!!!! yeah with time i think no one will ever leave their house to meet people. I recommend watching the movie WALLE its a children's movie that will give you a brief picture of how it will become later as the years progress.

  25. I agree Jackie. I think technology is a great tool and we should use it, but in some cases we just go on the extreme. Moderation is good, especially when you are trying to have a family dinner! The text messaging can pause don't you think? Family time face to face is more important.

  26. I somewhat agree. I have had moments where I'm with family or friends and instead of talking we are all on our phones. Many times even commenting on each others posts(i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) about all being sitting together and on our phones. So it does have it's draw backs by limiting face to face communication. However, I think it can be a good thing because it allows you to also communicate simultaneously with others that are far away. I think it's all just a matter of setting limitations for ones self and knowing when to use the good manners I'm sure we were all raised with and not ignore those around us.

  27. Technology is good to a certain point. It really irritates me when I haven't seen my friends in a while and all they want to do is be on their phones. I tell them to put it away because it's very rude and bad mannered. I remember when cafes would be loud, as well as coffee places, that's how you know there is some kind of interaction and now, people sit across from one another and text each other. This world and its technology is messed up in a way just cause nobody actually goes out and talk anymore. It's all done online. What would happen if all the phones in the world just stopped working? How would people react? I'll tell you this, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves and would feel lost. Cell phones are all people are on these days.

  28. I am so guilty of this but am going to change because face to face communication is most important than what ever is in my phone.

  29. I totally agree technology will rule one day our live completely, were in a revolution with our own creation at times,we can only expect so much from technology till one day it back fires.It will not look nice once we're there,but since technology is much needed we are oblivious to the whole game. wish us luck .

  30. I do agree on that Jackie, now a days will all the technology around us we forget to pay attention to everyone and our families sometimes. I think specially teens are the ones getting more distracting now a days with their iphones and social medias that they are not paying attention to what is really important. I have seen in lately that they rather be on their phones then actually interact with family members. This technology era will just keep on going and going and we would just have to adapted to it.

  31. Jackie, this is actually my boyfriends pet peeve. On our first date we went to the movies, then out for coffee and sure enough I took out my cell phone. While walking in the park he stopped me and said "I will only tell you once. I don't appreciate that we went to the movies and coffee yet most of the time you were on your phone. I am over here. If the phone is more important please let me know and I'll take you back home." that day I realized that subconsciously I always checked my phone even if it didn't ring . I feel that many individuals now a days don't realize whats going on but once a person brings it to their attention it might change that. I know that ever since my boyfriend made me realize what I did I try my best to leave my phone in the car or in my pocket the whole time we are with others.

    Jennifer S.

  32. I agree. I feel like face to face interaction is slowly dying. My cousin would come over my house to visit but not to spend time with me or my kids but to use our Wi-Fi to post a picture on Social Medias. But I am also guilty of texting my brother to let him know that dinner is ready instead of walking over to his room and telling him face to face. :/

  33. While modern technology is great in that it allows individuals to readily communicate, the downside is that individuals have gotten away from letter writing nor is there a level of sensitivity on the type of pictures that are exchanged. A group of high school students experienced this very matter when they took pictures of a female friend who was intoxicated and a few of the young men took inappropriate pictures of her and posted them onto their Facebook accounts. What started out as pictures being exchanged between a few friends grew into the pictures being shared with all students within their high school.

  34. Jacky, I'm actually one of those person that cant stop being on my phone i actually don't know why but i'm drawn to you i feel lost if i am not connect to my media sometimes i randomly getting made if i cant be on sites because i'm so use to be on all day long and it is true when people say everybody is more connected to there cell phones then having bonding time with loved one. Like on thanksgiving break me and all my family were bonding and my mom read a comment on people always being on there phone and while she read it everybody was on there phone so we made a deal and everybody got there cellphones or tablets and started playing shreds and it was such a fun experience just bonding with your family when you can do that all the time but instead everybody is to busy with technology.

  35. Jackie, I see it as people being rude. Why get together as friends when everyone is just going to be on their phones. I attended a family members funeral this weekend and the only time cell phones were taken out was to take pictures of friends we had not seen in 20+ years.

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  37. It is very common for almost everyone to be on some kind of gadget since the internet is available in most parts of the world. The way people are addicted to technology is kind of sad because they wont have the verbal communion that is needed to grow as a human being. Reading a message online may be interprered differently because everyone has their own way of reading. It is much different to speak to someone in person because you can hear the tone in their voice and see their body language. Social skills are very essential to life. The women that you described have horrible social skills and no manners.

  38. I totally agree phones have paralyzed face to face interaction with people. I am constantly seeing families at many different places not interacting with one another because they are so absorbed in their phones! There's also screaming children when their parents try to snatch their tablet away and they refuse to eat because they are so fixed on the screen! Its sad that this is the way it is now.

  39. I agree because students are texting in class and not paying attention in their education. Teens are getting into arguments with their parents for not listening to them just because their all in to their phones. Even Couples are breaking up because their is not enough trust just because either one is on their phone instead of spending time with that one special person. Not only I-Phones but any kind of phone it has changed our world because you stop doing important things just to be in your phone and it affects any age not just teens but also grown ups.

  40. Us humans are always trying the newest thins on the market. We are so drawn to into our iphones, ipads or what have you, we do not pay attention what we are walking into or where we are walking to. I saw a lady texting away pushing a stroller crossing the street and stopped in the middle of the street to finish her text, while cars were passing by and began to honk at the woman. One of them said, “Finish crossing the street and don’t put your kids in danger and then you could text away.” I was shock of this woman’s actions.

  41. I feel like electronics are so advance and so addicting. I feel that technology can be good or bad because some people use social media for negative things that bring bad reputation to them self’s.

  42. I to have seen this on many occasions at restaurants, it's sad that you cannot go out on a date with your spouse or friend and have a conversation that does not include looking at your phone. BUT as you said that is technology.

  43. I to have seen this on many occasions at restaurants, it's sad that you cannot go out on a date with your spouse or friend and have a conversation that does not include looking at your phone. BUT as you said that is technology.

  44. It's so true how people, particularly the young adults of today are seen walking around usually with their heads down looking at their phones, oblivious to what is going on around them or you see them at the store/mall sitting together or even by themselves not speaking to anyone but texting or doing other things on their phones. To me, technology is great but with this technology I've found that people are losing one major part of society, COMMUNICATION. Sure you communicate with someone on your devices but face to face no one seems to talk anymore. I've even heard of those who are so into their devices that they've ran into walls, fallen and even caused their own deaths. One man had his head down, not paying attention and crossed in front of oncoming traffic. Tragic. Its scary to see people not just sitting and walking with the soul attention on their devices but also doing this when they are driving. Is it really that important that it can't wait. I've actually had family get upset with me for not answering my phone. I tell them hey, if I'm driving, I'm not going to answer it and I'll call you when I'm able to do it safely. It just takes common sense.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Yes, you are right! We are losing that face to face communication with friends and families because of our iPhones and other electronic devices. I think it is really rude when you're out with a friends, relatives, or even your own spouse and you see everyone focused on their phones the whole time. It is sad how there's not much face to face interaction anymore because of all this technology. Yes there's so many good sides to it, but people are so attracted and interested that there is no control or limit on the uses of phones and other devices. Like you stated, and I quote "Face to Face interaction is very powerful and important" but sadly people don't realize it anymore.

  47. Yes, now it is hard to have face to face interaction because all we want to do is be on our phones. The sad part about all of this is that we are teaching that to our own children. I have seen this a lot of times in restaurants when parents are on their phones and the kids have their iPhone or tablet and no one interact with each other. Therefore having electronic device in a restaurant is not a good idea because we are not going to have face to face interaction. However we as parents need to make changes so that our children won’t make the same mistake.

  48. I have to agree that our IPhones or our smart phones have taken over that nice thing we used to call socializing. Before you would be able to go out and socialize and not have a care in the world about Facebook, tweeter or snapchat. Now a days people cant go out with out their phones or taking a picture for snapchat of there food or where they went. Social media is just to over rated. I hate the fact that I am like that I cant leave my house without my phone and if I do I'm upset until i get a hold of my phone. I should really consider letting go of my phone for a few hours a day. I should also consider going out for a walk with out my phone so i can learn to appreciate the world again before I loved going on my walks and now that's not the case. Technology is really taking over.

  49. I agree that technology has taken over to were a normal face to face conversation almost no longer exist. It's a sad, what is really being taught to the generation of today? I see it all the time cell phones are in the hands of 5 year olds and you see less and less children playing in our neighborhood streets like a child should.

  50. I have seen this so many time; such as a cafe, restaurants, even at movies. I feel its a little bit ridiculous because your out and about for some reason right? Maybe to catch up with friends, going out on a date, or even spending time with family I think that were you should be talking more to get to know the person or telling them what's new in life I mean that why you met up with them in the first place to interact not ignoring one and the other and just being on the phone. I say no, that isn't the generation of today I feel we are just being more and more ignorant and it's a little bit sad seeing what this world has become.

  51. It is sad to say but our phones are a part of us. We rely on it so much. We have stored information in our cellphones from credit cards, photos, contacts, emails & etc. We use the alarm to wake us up & get ready to go to work in the morning. How can we live with out it? I think that it is very useful to have. You have the entire world wide web in the palm of your hands. Even my toddler knows how to use a laptop & a cellphone. For crying out loud he makes phone calls to his dad or grandmother & he is only three years old. On the side of me teaching him he has also downloaded apps that teach him the basics, colors, shapes, letters, & numbers. I find having a phone a necessity but this is just my opinion. Now having a phone out while you are socializing trying to catch up or trying to get to know someone its a whole different thing, put it away. Its common sense. Its called having manners. Its ridiculous how people forget to show respect to each other.
